
Impossibly Tiny’s patented approach to fundamental computer arithmetic reduces the size of multiply-accumulate (MAC) and exponentiation circuits by more than 10x.

No Accuracy Loss

Many ML models accelerated with technology suffer little to no loss in accuracy.

Higher Performance, Lower Power

Our technology utilizes a fundamental change in architecture to realize lower power with higher performance. A true game changer from the edge to the cloud.


In 2021, the founders of, realized that power-hungry GPUs would become a barrier to more advanced neural networks. Our company was launched to bring our research in low-power approximate arithmetic to bear in artificial intelligence. Today, we believe that minimization of power consumption while maintaining performance is the key to continuing the improvement of machine learning models as the technology moves to the mainstream.

Training a self-driving car model may require 70 thousand GPU hours to train but the energy from a single training can power more than 100 houses for a month. Large Language Models (LLMs) are an order of magnitude larger! The number and size of these models is growing.

At we not only reduce the power of intelligent systems, we make artificial intelligence accessible to everybody.

Meet the Team

James Tandon Ph.D.

CEO/CTO/Founder with 10+ chip tape-outs. Developed approximate computation algorithms. Multiple patents in IC design and ML.

Mike Reznikov

Principal Hardware Engineer with 15 years experience optimizing RTL and emulating on FPGA.

Nehal Patel

Principal Verification Engineer with over 18 years experience in module-level & full-chip verification.

Marc Greenberg

Vice President of Products with over 30 years experience in product marketing and enginereing.


Medical Devices

Longer lasting battery life with more accurate diagnosis of medical conditions.

Industrial Sensors

Faster, more accurate anomaly detection localized without need of a server.

Self-driving Cars

Safer smart cars with deterministic approximation.

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality

Increased battery life of controllers, and head mounted displays, and the peripherals.

Large Language Models

Move your language model from the cloud to the edge with Cassia efficiency.

Longer lasting battery life with more accurate diagnosis of medical conditions.

Faster, more accurate anomaly detection localized without need of a server.

Safer smart cars with deterministic approximation.

Increased battery life of controllers, and head mounted displays, and the peripherals.

Move your language model from the cloud to the edge with Cassia efficiency.

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